lundi 17 janvier 2011

Who I am !

I am an ambitious young Moroccan girl, I am 16 years old. I am preparing for my baccalaureate; my goal is to graduate in environmental economic field. I am precisely interested in climate change issues. I recently started working with some small Non Governmental Organizations dealing with environment and sustainable development in the south of Morocco.

I am passionate to work with the grassroots associations because:
-          They work hard to improve their social and economic situation ;        
-          They focus on environmental and natural resources preservation ;
-          They are working to promote and empower women ;
-          They are struggling to combat poverty and vulnerability ;
-          They would like to make a better change in their life.

My objectives through enrolling in the Youth Social Entrepreneurship E-course are to learn from others experience in the following fields related to a project design and management:

-          How to design a project ;
-          How to write a grant ;
-          How to implement and manage a project ;
-          How to monitor and evaluate a project.

My ultimate goal is to be able, by the end of this course, to implement the knowledge I will gain to effectively help small and needy communities in the south of Morocco.

3 commentaires:

  1. Hello Wafaa,

    It is really exciting to be in the same course with you and to read about you. I share passions with you on environmental and natural resources preservation and women empowerment.

    I am glad you have your objectives clearly set out for the course. Looking forward to working, learning and sharing with you through out the course.


  2. Hi

    Thats really great, i like your spirit and energy, dont really know if i was that motivated when i was your age, i am sure you can make a huge difference, remember what they say, the sky is the limit so reach for the stars.


  3. This is insane (that's a good thing, here in Canada)! I love how we all have our own goals that we are so passionate about!
